Your Non-Profit & Small Business Bookkeeper

At ACP Resources, we handle your accounting and bookkeeping tasks so you can focus on growing your business or organization. Our local Richmond team provides personalized financial solutions to help you stay organized and thrive.

Tailored Bookkeeping Solutions

At ACP Resources, we specialize in tailored financial services for non-profits and small businesses. Our expert team is dedicated to simplifying your financial processes.

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We provide accurate financial insights to help you make better business decisions.

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Accounts Payable

Optimize your cash flow with our efficient accounts payable services that save you time and money.

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Accounts Receivable

Enhance your revenue collection process with our effective accounts receivable management strategies.

<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M38.3813 17.1889C37.9454 16.8711 37.4456 16.6406 36.9125 16.5113C36.3794 16.3821 35.824 16.3568 35.2802 16.4371C38.4096 13.4488 39.9927 10.4779 39.9927 7.56533C39.9927 3.39345 36.445 0.000147882 32.0841 0.000147882C30.927 -0.00672489 29.7823 0.226039 28.7305 0.682098C27.6786 1.13816 26.745 1.80646 25.9952 2.64008C25.2455 1.80646 24.3119 1.13816 23.26 0.682098C22.2081 0.226039 21.0635 -0.00672489 19.9064 0.000147882C15.5455 0.000147882 11.9978 3.39345 11.9978 7.56533C11.9978 9.29901 12.5377 10.9838 13.6742 12.7664C12.7434 12.9894 11.894 13.447 11.2163 14.0903L7.44697 17.6522H2.66618C1.95906 17.6522 1.28091 17.9179 0.780905 18.3908C0.2809 18.8637 0 19.5052 0 20.174L0 26.4783C0 27.1471 0.2809 27.7885 0.780905 28.2614C1.28091 28.7343 1.95906 29 2.66618 29H19.9963C20.1053 29 20.2139 28.9873 20.3196 28.9622L30.9843 26.4404C31.0523 26.4251 31.1187 26.404 31.1826 26.3774L37.6598 23.7706L37.7331 23.739C38.3556 23.4448 38.8887 23.0056 39.2821 22.4627C39.6755 21.9198 39.9163 21.2911 39.9818 20.6358C40.0473 19.9805 39.9354 19.3203 39.6565 18.7172C39.3777 18.1142 38.9411 17.5882 38.388 17.1889H38.3813ZM36.565 21.4679L30.2328 24.018L19.8297 26.4783H9.33162V19.4348L13.1026 15.8697C13.3493 15.6345 13.6429 15.448 13.9665 15.3211C14.29 15.1942 14.637 15.1294 14.9873 15.1305H23.3291C23.8594 15.1305 24.368 15.3298 24.743 15.6845C25.118 16.0391 25.3287 16.5202 25.3287 17.0218C25.3287 17.5234 25.118 18.0045 24.743 18.3591C24.368 18.7138 23.8594 18.9131 23.3291 18.9131H18.6632C18.3097 18.9131 17.9706 19.0459 17.7206 19.2824C17.4706 19.5188 17.3302 19.8396 17.3302 20.174C17.3302 20.5084 17.4706 20.8291 17.7206 21.0655C17.9706 21.302 18.3097 21.4348 18.6632 21.4348H23.9956C24.0959 21.4346 24.196 21.424 24.2939 21.4033L35.4585 18.9746L35.5102 18.962C35.851 18.8725 36.2148 18.9053 36.5315 19.0543C36.8482 19.2032 37.0955 19.4577 37.2258 19.7687C37.3561 20.0797 37.3602 20.4253 37.2373 20.739C37.1143 21.0527 36.8731 21.3123 36.56 21.4679H36.565Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>


Specialized accounting services that support your mission and meet your grant reporting needs.

Our Process

We tailor our bookkeeping solutions to meet the unique needs of your business.  We don’t do one-size fits all bookkeeping because your accounting is as unique as your business.  We get to know you, your needs, your operations, and your pain points before providing a customized and transparent proposal.  There is no cost and no commitment for our initial meetings and financial review.

Reach Out

Contact us via phone or form to begin simplifying your accounting needs. There is no cost and no commitment for the inquiry.

Learn About You

We schedule an initial virtual meeting to learn about your business, your unique needs, and understand what your pain points and goals are.

Review Your Books

We review your current financials and Quickbooks files to understand the size, complexity, and uniqueness of your accounting.  This also gives us the opportunity to understand how much cleanup is needed to get your accounts accurate and current.

Share our Findings

At our 2nd virtual meeting we’ll walk you through our findings and recommendations.  We’ll ask follow-up questions and clearly show you any issues, opportunities, and inaccuracies we found during our review of your books.


Following our “Findings” meeting you’ll receive your customized proposal that will include options for monthly services and a one-time onboarding expense to clean up your books and get you current.

1. Reach Out

Contact us via phone or form to begin simplifying your accounting needs. There is no cost and no commitment for the inquiry.

Simplify My Bookkeeping
2. Learn About You

We schedule an initial virtual meeting to learn about your business, your unique needs, and understand what your pain points and goals are.

3. Review Your Books

We review your current financials and Quickbooks files to understand the size, complexity, and uniqueness of your accounting.  This also gives us the opportunity to understand how much cleanup is needed to get your accounts accurate and current.

4. Share Our Findings

At our 2nd virtual meeting we’ll walk you through our findings and recommendations.  We’ll ask follow-up questions and clearly show you any issues, opportunities, and inaccuracies we found during our review of your books.

5. Onboarding

Following our “Findings” meeting you’ll receive your customized proposal that will include options for monthly services and a one-time onboarding expense to clean up your books and get you current.

Your Custom Solution Awaits

Get in touch today to craft a personalized accounting plan tailored to your unique needs.

Who We Are: Empowering Nonprofits & Small Businesses

At ACP Resources, we're dedicated to empowering nonprofits and small businesses in Richmond with personalized accounting and bookkeeping services. We believe in giving back to our community by helping organizations that make a positive impact thrive financially. By supporting your mission, we aim to strengthen our local community together.

Success Stories

Our clients have experienced significant improvements in their financial management through our accounting services.

“We have worked with ACP Resources for more than a decade, and having them in our camp gives us complete confidence that our accounting and bookkeeping are being handled efficiently and professionally and always in a responsive way. We sleep better at night knowing that Leah and the ACP team have got our backs.”
Josh Dare
The Hodges Partnership
"We could not be happier with the services provided by ACP. Our experience with Leah has been unlike any we have had previously with an accounting firm. Leah is prompt and extremely attentive to our account. She is quick to respond when I have questions and provides the kind of oversight to our account that gives me a great sense of security in knowing that all is being handled correctly and that I will be alerted whenever there is something irregular that needs my attention. In the past, I have had to spend hours a month reviewing and answering the same questions with my accountant. Leah knows our operations and financials so well, that the time I now need to devote to this aspect of our work has been reduced by over 50%. Her responsiveness and patience is amazing. We are so glad we found ACP Resources."
Sarah Gwathmey Vogt
Chief of Strategy & Staff
"I've worked with ACP and Leann for a decade on multiple businesses and think of them as a part of our team. In fact, I don't know what I'd do without Leann. As an owner of three businesses, knowing that the accounting is handled professionally and with the utmost care and attention, is a huge part of our success. I don't think of ACP as a service provider, but rather, an integral part of my team. I can always count on them and that's priceless for a small business owner."
John Mills
Founder & Creative Strategist
Release the Hounds | Crunch Dynasty
"From early on as a business owner, bookkeeping has been a struggle for me. When I found ACP, I was super excited for them to take over. They have been running my books now for seven years and really understand my business down to the nitty-gritty. We do a lot of imports from overseas and complicated payment plans with some of my vendors which they have handled with ease. I have learned a lot of bookkeeping tips along the way and feel very comfortable with them running my business. And my relationship with my bookkeeper has turned into a great friendship. She has been wonderful."
Carolyn Jager
Sugar Medical
"Our bookkeeper, Libby, is an integral part of our finance team. We rely on her consistent handling of a wide range of accounting tasks. One of the most helpful aspects of Libby’s work is that, once she has worked on a process, she comes up with a way to make the process more efficient. This saves us valuable time each month-end and also strengthens our internal controls over our accounting processes. As a nonprofit organization, we must be careful stewards of both public and private funding. Libby helps us do this by, among other things, ensuring we maintain thorough and detailed documentation of all expenditures. We value this attention to detail and so do our funders and auditors. In fact, our auditors recently commented on the strength of our finance team."
"Diana and the ACP team have more than met our expectations. They professionally and promptly handle standard and a range of ad hoc tasks. I have the utmost trust in their integrity."
"ACP Resources has been an incredible asset to our team. Their reliability and attention to detail are unmatched. They consistently deliver professional, accurate, and thorough work we can trust, making them a treasured and valued partner for any business looking for dependable, high-quality accounting services"
"ACP worked with our non-profit Organization, to recommend ways to modernize our books. From recommended QuickBooks online, to the utilization of additional programs like Transaction Pro, they not only made the transfer of our financial books seamless, but they also walked us through the entire process regarding these vital upgrades. ACP has always been there to answer any questions we had in addition to keeping our books up to date. I highly recommend their services."
“Since 2015, working with ACP Resources has been an absolute game-changer for our 501(c)(3)Nonprofit. Their team is not only incredibly knowledgeable in bookkeeping and accounting but also genuinely committed to helping us succeed. They’ve streamlined our financial processes, saving us time and reducing stress. ACP Resources has always been responsive, professional, and pro active in anticipating our needs. I highly recommend them to any business looking for reliable and insightful financial support.”
Steve Thornton
Executive Director
The Hawthorne Cancer Foundation
"We could not be more pleased with the relationship we've built with ACP Resources. The quality of their bookkeeping services and the professionalism of their staff gives us every confidence in the accuracy of our records, so we can focus our attention on fulfilling the mission of our organization. "
“ACP Resources has been an incredible help with my bookkeeping. I now have more time to focus on growing my business, rather than being slowed down by trying to do it myself. They are true rock stars and make my life so much easier!”
"ACP Resources has been a great partner for many years, and I can’t imagine operating without them. We can count on them to expertly handle our bookkeeping and reporting needs so we can focus on helping OUR clients."

Non-Profits Trust Us with their Accounting Success

Your Custom Solution Awaits

Get in touch today to craft a personalized accounting plan tailored to your unique needs.


We've gathered answers to some of the most common questions we hear from clients. If you have others or need more details, we're always here to help.

What services do you offer for small businesses?

We provide comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping services tailored to small businesses, including accounts payable and receivable management, financial reporting, and one-time services like QuickBooks conversions.

Do you provide tax services?

We do not provide tax services; we focus on getting your books and finances in order to make it simple for your CPA to complete your taxes.  We communicate and work with your CPA to ensure everything is in order.

How can outsourcing accounting tasks benefit my organization?

Outsourcing allows you to focus on your core activities while we handle the financial details. It enhances accuracy, ensures compliance, and can often be more cost-effective than maintaining in-house staff.

Do you specialize in nonprofit accounting?

Yes, we have extensive experience working with nonprofits and associations. We understand their unique accounting needs and help them meet grant and project reporting requirements while advancing their missions.

What is involved in the Quickbooks Desktop to Online conversion?

Our team securely transfers all your financial data from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online. This process modernizes your accounting system, providing you with real-time access to your financial information from anywhere.

How does your onboarding process work?

For detailed information about our pricing options, please contact us directly. We offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs.